In 2023 Christoph Lampert finished fourth overall at the Int. Hill Climb Race Osnabrück in his Nova NP 01-2 Hartley Turbo. He was also the clear winner among the two-litre sports cars, leaving even a number of 3-litre cars behind. At the end of the season he had even more reason to be happy, having won the Austrian hill climb championship for the first time. He would love to repeat this triumph in 2024. The Austrian championship also includes races in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia and Italy, and some rounds are at the same time top events of the European championship. Nevertheless, Christoph Lampert is also keen to take part in the Int. 56th Hill Climb Race Osnabrück on 2-4 August. He has always enjoyed the high quality of the Uphöfener Berg event – and he regularly contributes to it himself, with his beautiful cars, his excellent performance and his friendly and open manner.