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Regularly in August, the MSC Osnabrück e.V. in the ADAC - supported by a strong partner network - traditionally organizes the International Osnabrück ADAC Hill Climb Race, probably the best-known and most popular automobile sporting event in northern and western Germany, on the 2.030 km cult course at Uphöfener Berg in Hilter-Borgloh.
Around 200 drivers from around 15 countries compete for best times against the clock in spectacular open-wheel racing cars and high-horsepower touring car bolides in the FIA Int. Hill Climb Cup and in the national championships of automobile hill-climb racing. Electric and hybrid cars compete in the future-oriented E-Mobil Hill Climb Cup.
Since 1968, Germany's most northerly hill climb has offered some 30,000 young and old fans exciting motor racing and an unforgettable experience with numerous event highlights every year.